Premium Car Park’s Focus on Sustainability for the Future

How We Are Striving to Achieve Our Sustainability Goals by Making Important Commitments to The Environment

On Friday 2nd February 2023, we took part in a United Nations Sustainable Development Goals workshop facilitated by betternotstop, with the aim of better understanding the material topics which are central to our mission and ethos.

Here at PCP, we are constantly striving to operate in a socially and environmentally responsible way and we recognise the impact that our actions have on a variety of different stakeholders. As part of the global community, we acknowledge the need to address pressing environmental and social challenges, and PCP are committed to making such changes. In order to enhance our understanding of the actions we can take, we participated in a Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) workshop, which clearly shaped our approach to sustainability, helping us identify the positive actions we can take which aligns with the goals of the company.

The United Nations Sustainable Development Goals, provide a blueprint for a better and more sustainable future for all. They encompass a wide range of interconnected issues, which together, all play a part in creating a just future for all of us.

After assessing which SDGs we felt most passionate about on a personal level, we aligned these with those which had the greatest significance to our company. Through collaborative discussions surrounding the long-term ambitions of PCP, we identified four key material topics that are central to our business's sustainability strategy:

Good Health and Wellbeing

Prioritising the health and wellbeing for both our staff, customers and the local community is essential to everyone at PCP. We want our staff to have access to both mental and physical support, enabling them to be healthy and happy in their workplace. This is why we are soon to be introducing a Cycle to Work scheme for employees. This will encourage those who live close by to take this alternative form of transform to work, when possible, for health and environmental benefits. 

Another initiative we are implementing, is working with the wonderful Hannah Murray, who is a Mental Health & Mindset Coach at Mental Beautiful Mind Support CIC. She will be carrying out a range of wellbeing workshops here at PCP, which aim to offer employees support through increased awareness, reassurance and understanding. In the longer term we aim for this to extend over to our clients and the community with resources across our website to support their needs. 


Quality Education

PCP believes that access to good quality education is essential for everyone. As such we will be partnering with a number of local schools to help support children's development. As the future, PCP recognises the importance of being a positive role model and educating the next generation.

Sustainable Cities and Communities

As a company, we are committed to restoring the health of local high streets and we want to make sure we are doing this in the most sustainable way possible for the communities we operate in. Operating in an urban environment, we recognise our role in creating sustainable cities. We are constantly investing in green infrastructure and energy-efficient technologies, to incentivise sustainable travel, helping people to access their high-streets and the independent businesses which depend on this. We are working towards a goal of ensuring our own office facilities are carbon negative in the future and we are always actively looking for ways to go above and beyond, ensuring that we are part of the sustainable city we aim to create. 

Affordable and Clean Energy

Clean and affordable energy is essential and we are constantly researching ways we can increase our offering of renewable charging points. Through giving customers greater access to clean energy we hope that we can improve the health and wellbeing of all. 

We aim to use these material topics as guiding principles, shaping our sustainability strategy and informing our decision-making processes. By integrating these priorities into our business operations, we strive to make a tangible, positive impact on society and the environment

The SDGs workshop was facilitated by betternotstop who are a sustainable impact agency. They work to help companies with B Corp submissions, materiality assessments, GRI standards and carbon literacy. As the third company in the UK to appoint nature as a member of their board of directors, their expertise was invaluable in helping us to align our goals with the actions we could take.

Posted in Announcements on May 23, 2024